☆ 始め [hajime] means the start/the biginning/starting something.
These are some words 「~始め[~hajime]」 for New Years.
✿稽古始め [Keikohajime] means starting a lesson/practice for the first time in the year.
✿仕事始め [Shigotohajime] means starting a work for the first time in the year.
✿ちなみに、12月13日は、正月事始めと言って、お正月の準備を始める日とされています。正月事始め [Shogatsu kotohajime/on December 13rd] means sthe starting the preparation for Shogatsu.
歌会始め [Utakaihajime]、御用始め [Goyōhajime]...
ちなみに、「20世紀初め」などのように、「初め [Hajime]」という名詞(副詞的にも使う)はありますが、「初める [hajimeru]」という動詞はありません。初め [そめ/some] という動詞の連用形はありますが、通常は、前にほかの語を伴う複合語として使い、その際、連濁によって「~ぞめ[~zome]と変形します。
Even Japanese often make a mistake and use the word 初める [Hajimeru] for 始める [Hajimeru]. But, there is not a verb 「初める [Hajimeru]」.
☆初 means the first/beginning/something for the first time in the season/year or your life.
For example:
✿初詣 [Hatsumōde]、初稽古 [Hatsugeiko]、初夢 [Hatsuyume]、初売り [Hatsuuri]、初笑い [Hatsuwarai]、初釜 [Hatsugama]、初句会 [Hatsukukai]...for the first time in the year.
✿初雪 [Hatsuyuki]、初霜 [Hatsushimo]、初氷 [Hatsugōri]...for the first time in the season.
✿初対面 [Shotaimen]、初舞台 [Hatsubutai]、初節句 [Hatsusekku]、初孫 [Hatsumago]...for the first time in one's life.
☆We have many words ~初め for the first lessons/practice/performances of the year (we normally do in New Year's), and it is pronounced ~ZOME.
I'll write down some examples here. ✿弾き初め(Hikizome)・・・・「年が明けて、初めて弾く」という意味で。「弾き始める」という意味ではないです。For stringed instrument like 三味線(Shamisen)・琴(Koto) and Keyboard instruments (鍵盤楽器) etc.
✿吹き初め(Hukizome)・・・・For wind instruments like 笛(Fue)・尺八(Shakuhachi)
✿舞い初め(Maizome)・・・・For dancing 舞踊等
✿打ち初め(Uchizome)/ 叩き初め(Tatakizome)・・・・For percussion instruments 太鼓(Taiko)・鼓(Tuzumi) etc.
✿謡い初め(Utaizome)・・・・For reading 謡曲
✿生け初め(Ikezome)・・・・For flower arrangement 華道
✿蹴鞠初め(Kemarizome)・・・For Japanese ancient style of football
✿はじき初め(Hajikizome)・・・For Soroban (Abacus) そろばん
✿書き初め(Kakizome)・・・・For calligraphy 書道
We have some other 「~初め [~zome]」words except for those for New Year's too. 「~初め [~zome]」という語は、お正月に使うものが多いですが、次のように、使う時期や季節に関係のないものもあります。
For example: お食い初め、渡り初め・・・
✿お食い初め [Okuizome] means eating something for the first time in a life. It often means the ceremony for babies [お食い初め式].
✿渡り初め [Watarizome] means crossing a new bridge for the first time after it was built. It often means the ceremony for new bridges.
I hope this helps you!
May the year of 2012 bring you a lot of happiness and smiles!!
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